Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Sheriff Clarke calls out Dems and BLM

Last week, Milwaukee Sheriff David Clarke wrote and Op-Ed piece. In that article, he attacked President Obama for his sixteen-page warning against discrimination.

This “guide” was to warn against officials discriminating while rescuing people from the flood in Baton Rouge.

Now, Clarke is at it again. He has called out Obama, Democrats, and Black Lives Matters.

This is something that has needed saying for some time. Now, finally, someone has the nerve to speak the truth.

The Washington Times reports . . .
Milwaukee County Sheriff David Clarke on Tuesday ripped President Obama as a “race hustler” and condemned the Black Lives Matter movement for not doing enough to help Louisiana flood victims.

“President Obama views everything through the prism of race,” Sheriff Clarke said. “He’s a race hustler. He engages in race politics. This guy could take a bowl of cornflakes with chocolate milk poured in it, and he could find some racist angle to it.”
Those who have been paying attention should not be surprised by these comments. Obama does seek to make everything about race. The president only cares about the color of skin. This cannot be denied when he has made a flood about race. But Clarke addresses something long considered untouchable. Ghettos.

The Times continues . . .
“Black Lives Matter — they don’t care about black lives. They don’t care about anybody’s life. They only care about political power,” Sheriff Clarke said. “I am not shocked.”

“The American ghetto has replaced the plantation where Democrats have a large segment of black people herded on to miserable conditions, inescapable poverty,” he said. “They have to send their kids to failing public schools. Massive unemployment, crime, violence, and disorder — these people have wrecked great American cities with this progressive urban policy.”
Clarke again hit it right on the head. The Democratic slave owners have kept the blacks in an impossible situation and all the while making them think they are free. I would like to see them call Clarke a racist.

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