Sunday, March 13, 2016

Dump fast food addiction (part 1)

Are you a fast food addict? And how can we not be when you pass so many of those fast food establishments wherever you go? It’s hard to pass them up.

They have such a come hither charm to them. How would you like to ditch your fast food lifestyle?

Wellness expert Dr. David Magnano has some tips on how to eat healthier so we can decrease our chances of falling victim to aches, pains, and degenerative diseases. But you have to drop that gulp and go lifestyle and take on the attitude of eat to survive.
Dr. M is CEO of Magnano Health Center in Florida. So here are seven simple rules for eating healthy.

1) EAT ONLY WHEN YOU ARE HUNGRY. Many people eat when they’re not even hungry. They eat because they think they should eat, it’s lunchtime, or they have to eat because of a schedule. Forced eating starts with our kids. We make them sit down and eat with us. But if we were living in nature, foraging for our foods, we would eat only when we were hungry.

When your body is hungry for the plainest of foods, it’s telling you it’s ready to manufacture the enzymes for proper digestion. And don’t mistake thirst for hunger. Try water first.

2) DON’T MIX FOOD TYPES/EAT FOODS IN THE PROPER ORDER. It’s preferable to eat foods of one type all at the same time. Have meats first, slowly, which will allow the brain to trigger production of the body’s strongest digestive enzymes, the proteases. Add a little salad, and after 15 minutes, eat your potato. 20 minutes after the potato is gone, fruits or sugared desserts are okay.

Probably the worst error would be to go to a buffet and gorge yourself on foods you don’t generally eat that are grown in different vicinities or on other continents. It’s very difficult for your brain to properly signal a need for the correct digestive enzymes when your body hasn’t experienced those types of foods before, and certainly not all mixed together at the same time.

3) DON’T EAT WHEN YOU ARE FEELING STRESSED, ILL, OR INJURED. Boyfriend or girlfriend just dump you? Bad day at work? Coming down with the flu? Don’t try to medicate yourself with a pint of ice cream or a New York strip steak.

When we are experiencing physical, emotional, or mental stress, or when we are physically ill or injured, or when our body is too hot or too cold, our digestive system is shut down and our body is in healing mode, not digestive mode. Soup broths and juices require minimal enzymes for absorption and can be sipped slowly.

We’ll cover the last four tips in Part Two of “Dump Your Fast Food Addiction” next time with POPPOFF.

If you want more information, just go to for more information. Remember, it’s up to each of us to make a difference in our health. Slowdown that fast food addiction!

From the files of Mary Jane Popp at KAHI Radio in Sacramento, California

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