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Despite the advance of ISIS, the struggling economy, the collapse of Obamacare, and the ever-growing national debt, the Obama Administration continues to ignore these crises and pick away at our liberty as if they have the spare time to advance their "butter" over "guns" approach. Here are the latest attacks on our freedom:
Obamacare for your Pension
In another assault on the free market, the Obama Administration is moving to crowd-out the private pension systems in a few, select liberal states. According to the Wall Street Journal, "Last week the Labor Department issued guidelines that clear the regulatory thicket for states to establish government retirement plans for workers in the private economy."
Incentivizing the states to produce tax-payer backed, PRIVATE pension programs follows the far-left Obama administration's pattern of pushing the needle towards government controlled, single-payer/single-provider, programs.
The Obama Administration fully understands that a command-and-control, government-centric, economy cannot compete fairly with the productive power of free markets so they tilt the economic playing field using tax-payer backed bailouts for their failed Obamacare co-ops, their failed green energy initiatives, and now, private pensions.
Redistribution on a GLOBAL Scale
The recent climate change conference in Paris was an opportunity for many of the world's political leaders to showcase their ignorance of the economics of the climate change issue.
Instead of proposing energy research programs or resilience programs, for what they claim are at-risk areas of the globe, they proposed a new global slush fund where largely U.S. taxpayers will finance a $100 billion dollar annual "climate fund," accessible by countries such as China, as some perverse form of global reparations for our climate sins.
This is absurd.
To read more about your tax dollars click here
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