Sunday, December 13, 2015

Democratic Party Continues Wild Swing Left

From the files of Dan Bongino at The Conservative Review

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Would the New York Daily News' Linda Stasi be safer at an NRA Convention or in ISIS-controlled Syria?

I wonder if hard-leftists such as Linda Stasi ponder these types of questions when they pen hate-filled editorial pieces in long-since-discredited "news" outlets such as the New York Daily News. Stasi, who has a troubling history of blaming the victims of terror for their own deaths at the hands of terrorists, and implies in her recent editorial that terror victim Nicholas Thalasinos, an NRA supporter, was complicit in his own murder, is just a symptom of a larger disease infecting today's far-left.

On this Monday's podcast, I covered why the left does some of the disturbing things it does, and why it says (or refuses to say) certain things.

When you understand the guiding ideology of the extreme-left, and its activist front, questions such as, "Why does President Obama refuse to label radical Islamic terrorism by name?" are easily answered.

Like many of you, I have been observing the far-left and their tactics for a long time, and I'm concerned about the growing intensity of their rhetoric and the brazenness of their tactics.

For every Linda Stasi hate-filled editorial, there are many more editorials, social media posts, tweets, and public statements from left-wing activists and politicians that, although not as direct in their callousness, are indicative of the same kind of thinking.

Make no mistake, the "blame America first" hard-left really means it, and their audacity is growing.

There are many manifestations of this disturbing far-left "blame America first" ideology. The most recent example is President Obama's assertion that GOP concerns about the broken Syrian refugee program act as "a potent recruitment tool" for ISIS.

This is an outlandish statement which seems to imply that, in the absence of GOP opposition to the broken Syrian refugee program, the ISIS savages' anger would somehow be quelled and their recruiting efforts would slow to a trickle.

I'm not sure what's more dangerous, that the president believes this nonsense, or that he doesn't.

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Dan Bongino is the bestselling author of the book Life Inside the Bubble and is a Contributing Editor at Conservative Review. He was the 2012 and 2014 Republican nominee for the United States Senate and 6th congressional district in Maryland. He served for over a decade as a special agent in the United States Secret Service, and currently owns a security consulting business. 

You can follow Dan Bongino on his website, at Facebook or on Twitter.


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