Sunday, December 20, 2015

Conservatism 301: Faulty Far-Left Reasoning

From the files of Dan Bongino at The Conservative Review

As many conservative and libertarian activists have noticed, it's difficult to debate with the far left. Trying to nail Jell-O to a wall is an apropos analogy I've heard to describe the experience. There's a reason for this. The far left utilizes-be it intentionally or just blindly-an "ends justifies the means" tactical approach to enforcing social change. By definition, this approach embraces any tactic geared towards a specific outcome, including but not limited to lying, manipulation, humiliation, and inconsistent logic.

For example, have you noticed that far left "gun control" advocates are usually pro-abortion advocates as well? Have you also noticed that when the far-left argues both cases they use opposing logic?

In the case of "gun control," the far left argues that additional gun restrictions on law-abiding Americans will prevent criminals and terrorists (ironically, neither of whom could give a hoot about firearms laws) from obtaining firearms. In other words, when it comes to guns, laws matter.

In the case of abortion, the far left argues the exact opposite case. They consistently state that new laws and restrictions on abortion are meaningless because women will ignore the law and have "back-alley" procedures. In other words, when it comes to abortion, laws don't matter.

The same faulty, backwards reasoning applies to how the far left debates education and healthcare. Did you notice how, when debating fixes to our broken public education system, many on the far left will insist that we need to spend more tax payer dollars on education? They rarely provide any evidence showing a strong correlation between more tax dollars and improved student outcomes, but they never let data get in the way of a good argument. Yet when addressing the topic of healthcare, a frequent rallying cry of the left is "We spend too much money!"

To read more of the article at The Conservative Review, click HERE

Dan Bongino is the bestselling author of the book Life Inside the Bubble and is a Contributing Editor at Conservative Review. He was the 2012 and 2014 Republican nominee for the United States Senate and 6th congressional district in Maryland. He served for over a decade as a special agent in the United States Secret Service, and currently owns a security consulting business. 

You can follow Dan Bongino on his website, at Facebook or on Twitter.


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