Saturday, October 31, 2015

Dating Mr. Wrong? Find Mr. Right!

From the files of Mary Jane Popp at KAHI Radio in Sacramento, California

Are you dating a loser?


Is it because you don’t know how to seek out Mr. Right?

If you want to find Mr. Right, there are signs according to Dr. Frieda Birnbaum who is a research Psychologist, Psychoanalyst, and author of “What Price Power:” An in-depth study of the Professional woman in a relationship.

We really hashed this one out on my radio show POPPOFF because our divorce rate in the U.S. is about 53% and I wanted you to have the best chance of being on that 47% of the line. So let’s begin with the seven signs you are dating the wrong guy. It’s best to rid yourself of the bad before you start looking for the good. He is Mr. Wrong if…
1) Your relationship with him doesn’t feel right in your gut.
2) You call him more than he calls you.
3) Your family and friends are unusually going out of their way to warn you about him.
4) His compliments don’t feel personal as if they could be said to just anyone.
5) He sends no cards or roses.
6) His words make you feel a bit insecure and not more secure.
7) His idea of dating is to text message you at the last moment. 
Any of these or several strike a chord in your relationship? Then you might want to set some new standards to find Mr. Right.

So here are some basic tips.
1) First step is believing in your heart that you deserve someone great so you’ll immediately start to put out the right vibe.
2) You need to accept you for who you are because every guy senses when you are trying too hard, looking too desperate, or acting like you are having fun, when you’re not.
3) Some men and women desire more what they can’t have. Don’t make yourself too readily available.
4) Many men date women who want to change them. If you accept the person you are dating they are and they truly love you. They’ll want to change for you. The ones who do this are potential Mr. Right material. I had to interject my big fat opinion before we got to the next tip. In my humble and 44 year marriage experience, why not find the person you accept and like, and then you don’t have to worry about change on either side of the relationship. If you like them, why do you want to change them? It gets too messy! OK, no more comments from the peanut gallery.
5) Observe the person you are dating with both your mind and heart. If it feels right in your heart, and your mind accepts what the heart says without hesitation, this is a good indication you might be dating a keeper. 
So there are some positive things to look for and some things to get you running screaming away from a relationship.

If you need more information, you can find it at

Hope you find Mr. Right and hang on.

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