Monday, November 9, 2015

Council of Foreign Relations - 13th amendment

From the files of Ken LaRive at

The information age has arrived, and with it comes lies and deceit bent on maintaining the status quo.

Suddenly we are getting a glimpse of the actual workings of the world, and it is unsettling.

We see that for generations a select group of individuals have gained such power that we wonder if in fact we have any freedom or liberty at all.

Some dare to suggest that both the right and the left are somehow controlled by this same collective entity, and all of what we see and hear is but an ocular illusion.

The Federal Reserve

A former president of the Bank of England, Sir Josiah Stamp said this: "The modern banking system manufactures money out of nothing. The process is perhaps the most astounding piece of sleight of hand that was ever invented. Banking was conceived in inequity and born in sin.

Bankers own the earth. Take it away from them but leave them the power to create money, and, with a flick of a pen, they will create enough money to buy it back again.

Take this great power away from them, or if you want to continue to be the slaves of bankers and pay the cost of your own slavery, then let bankers continue to create money and control credit."

Hold on - there would be a price to pay

Our founders and colonists alike knew first-hand how bankers tended to print too much paper. The first United States Bank was chartered by congress in 1790, and at that time there was only three state banks.

Banks were then prohibited by law in most states because settlers remembered well the evil practices of European goldsmith banks.

Goldsmith banks were safe houses for the storing of client's gold. In exchange for this gold deposit customers were issued bank notes.

This "paper money" were redeemable in gold. The problem arose when these banks started issuing extra notes not secured by gold.

As they printed these notes they themselves became extremely wealthy, and powerful.

This systematic robbery of productive individuals . . . Read More

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