Monday, September 5, 2016

Social Media says Trump Is Beating Hillary

Donald Trump has been taking names and not taking prisoners.

He is beating Hillary Clinton and has even had to do it by going up against the media’s rigged polls.

Truth Division recently posted the following five statistics that prove that Trump is really winning.

Let’s take a look at the facts that the media ignores.

Instead, they have been giving Clinton the lead despite the fact that she can’t get anyone to show up to her rallies.

Fact #1: Facebook.

Trump: 10,174,358 likes.
Clinton: 5,385,959 likes.

Look what Trump’s live stream videos do when compared to Hillary’s.

Trump Live Stream Post — 21 hours ago: 135,000 likes, 18,167 shares, 1.5 million views
Clinton Live Stream Post — 25 hours ago: 11,000 likes, 0 shares, 321,000 views

Fact #2: Twitter

Trump has 10.6 million twitter followers.
Hillary Clinton has 8.1 million.

The best part is that most of Hillary’s are fake. According to the Washington Examiner, 41 percent of Hillary’s “followers” are not real people.

In contrast, The Daily Caller says that Trump’s followers are 70% real with 90 percent of them having a previous voting record.

Fact #3: Live Stream

Trump averages 30k viewers per live stream.
Clinton averages 500 viewers per live stream.

Trump also gets 5,900 percent more eyeballs focused on the screen than Clinton.

Fact #4: Instagram.

Trump has 2.2 million followers.
Clinton has 1.8. million followers.

Instagram is a platform with all pictures and not much substance – exactly what Hillary supporters love. This is the only metric that she even comes close in.

Fact #5: Reddit.

Trump: 197,696 subscribers
Clinton: 24,429 subscribers

Hillary for Prison: 55,228 subscribers

Trump has more subscribers than Clinton, but what is even funnier is that there are twice as many people subscribed to “Hillary for Prison” than the Clinton page.

The best part is that the DNC leaked emails from WikiLeaks have proven that Clinton pays people to support her online. Trump supporters on the other hand actually like to follow him on Social media.

Courtesy of Paris Swade at Nevo News - MEDIA IS LYING: See The 5 Facts That Prove Trump Is ACTUALLY Beating Hillary Badly

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