Saturday, February 20, 2016

Why 'NO" is the only answer

‘No’ Is Why America Elected Republicans says Colonel Allen B. West

The death of Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia at 79 has been a gut punch for those who follow the Constitution, and a reason for glee from those who celebrate the death of anyone who disagrees with them.

Also, allegedly, it has created constitutional crisis of monumental proportions as Democrats demand the GOP-controlled Senate confirm whomever President Obama decides to nominate to fill the position.But there is no crisis. There is only one word. No.

No, we will not consider any of Obama’s nominees. No, we won’t vote them. No, we don’t care what you say about us on MSNBC. No, we don’t care if you claim this is for political reasons and political purposes. No, we don’t care if you campaign on it.
Why am I so confident in how clearly and effortlessly the GOP should say “No?” Because the Democrats have already done it. The Internet is amazing. If you search hard enough, more often then not you’ll find what you’re looking for.

Digging through the volumes of history compiled over the lifetime of man, one had to go back to ancient times to find proof of an appointment held up by a political party for political reasons and political purposes.

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