Thursday, January 14, 2016

Does America belong to us?

From the files of Ken LaRive at Facets in The Liberty Beacon

To take back America from a strong central government will not be easy. It will take a collective unity never seen before in America, and a perceptive understanding of how the system works as well.

Sorry to say, but once Liberty is lost, as history will attest, blood is the only means to get it back. Perhaps this great experiment, a Republic based on Constitutional Law and our Bill of Rights, will be the exception this time.

Hoping for a miracle seems our only recourse, like an elected official who actually lives up to his word, for the good of the nation, for instance. Sure, it can happen. Better have a commanding presence, however, a good speaker too, with a reverberating voice, to reach into the heart of what can only be described as American sensibility.

A clever idiom has worked before, like “Change! We need change!” to capture the American intellect and spirit. Sorry. What a concept, change for the sake of change.

“Change will not come if we wait for some other person or some other time. We are the ones we’ve been waiting for. We are the change that we seek.” - Barack Obama

In the past most Americans took their standing orders from Government, going mostly without question to war, suffering quietly through designed economic fluctuations, and the systematic procedural breakdown of family by the disintegration of moral and ethical value instilled by television and Hollywood media.

Using scientifically designed, Freudian Psychology and the ethos of Progressive Sociology, America has ushered in a new characterization of individual responsibility, entitlement, and slavery of the will. To take back our government for We the People, we find, and I’m so sorry to tell you . . . it has never existed . . . just like a democracy has never existed in the history of human kind . . . and yet we are told that is who we are.

Without this foundation, we have nothing to build on. Do you understand this concept? We are floating on a bubble, and it is not of our design.

If a person opposes the government by force, no matter what the principle, he could spend the rest of his life in Leavenworth, or be required to flee the country.

Any plot to violence is considered traitorous, and he would be hunted down by extradition from most any place on earth. To a true patriot, these violent options might seem unacceptable, though he is prepared to die for the ideals this country was founded upon and held as a standard by an oath to protect and defend.

And yet, as we attempt to use intellect over emotion we realize the enemy is too well hidden to find.

So with that in mind, I emphatically state that violence is not advocated in any way by this author as a solution to the wows of America, and yet, our founding fathers emphatically told us otherwise.

In turn, our government takes its standing orders from . . . Continued at The Liberty Beacon

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