Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Breast Cancer and Vitamin D3

From the files of Ken LaRive at The Liberty Beacon

Read Ken LaRive at The Liberty Beacon
Back in the middle nineties scientists from the University of California at San Diego did a major study on the affects that sunlight played on breast cancer. They noted the possibility that low vitamin D might play a part. It has been known for some time that sunlight is the catalyst for the manufacturing of vitamin D in the human body, but the affects of having a depleted amount was not understood.

What got their attention was the blaring connection between the amount of sunlight and breast cancer from the snow bound north to sunny Florida. The link was vitamin D3.

They compared their studies with other studies done in the USSR and found that woman there were three times more likely to develop breast cancer in less sunny regions. Conclusions matched, and they both agreed on the vitamin D link.

The National Cancer Institute is guardedly skeptical, but that is their nature. They have made the link of calcium absorption with the amount of vitamin D, and that is extremely interesting for those who are prone to Obstreperousness. They think more study is necessary, but you will have to be the judge.

Read the fact sheets at The Liberty Beacon


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