Friday, December 18, 2015

Chris Matthews: Don't call ISIS animals

Could may of Matthews comments on MSNBC be directed at the political correctness being used in his wife Kathleen's Congressional campaign for a seat in Maryland?

MSNBC host Chris Matthews does not like Republican presidential candidate and New Jersey governor Chris Christie referring to ISIS as “animals,” as it can be dehumanizing.

On Monday’s episode of “Hardball,” Matthews shouted his disdain for current Republican rhetoric involving Muslims, but got very specific when it comes to ISIS, saying:
“And also, animals! I mean, call them what they are, bad people. But what’s this animal thing that Christie’s throwing around?” Matthews added that, “Republicans now say it’s OK to hate Muslims” during his tirade about GOP sentiment in the wake of terrorist attacks in the West.
Noting the pledge by Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) to carpet bomb ISIS in Syria, Matthews took issue with such a devastating tactic:
“I mean, when you hear carpet bombing, there’s no way to hear that from Cruz without knowing a lot of regular people that just happen to live in those geographical areas will die because you’re carpet bombing.”
He added that carpet bombing is “not going after the bad guys,” but in fact is “killing everybody that’s there.”

Matthews is not on board with Republicans calling ISIS “animals,” but would prefer a more human description, such as “bad guys.”

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